Monday dumb day

I can already tell this is going to be a long day.

I dragged myself out of bed and rushed around the house like a maniac trying to get out the door and to my doctor appointment on time this morning.  I had an appointment with my rheumatologist for which I had been waiting three months.  So I sped over to the clinic, nearly ran a couple blocks and then raced into the office not wanting to be too late (I am always late…for everything).  Well, lucky me, I was indeed far from late.  Standing at the check-in counter like an idiot the woman told me that my appointment is TOMORROW morning.  Oops.  Me: “ha ha ha ha…uhhh…ok, I’ll….uh…see you tomorrow.”  Duh.

So yes, now TOMORROW morning I have my rheumatology appointment along with an appointment with my endocrinologist right after that.  If I’m late tomorrow I’m going to punch myself in the face.

In other news, I had a pretty good weekend.  I went to see The King’s Speech which was fantastic.  Sunday I puttered around in my pajamas all day drinking tea, watching public television, and playing Scrabble  like an old lady.  Last night I made a fool out of myself singing karaoke with my “karaoke krew,” which is always pretty awesome.  I screwed up singing “Maps,” which my friend then aptly referred to it as “Craps” for the rest of the night.  It was really good to get out and have a fun night at the Vegas again like old times.

RA update: Still off caffeine and prednisone (YES!).  Joints feel pretty good, which is a wonderful feeling.

2 thoughts on “Monday dumb day

  1. “If I’m late tomorrow I’m going to punch myself in the face.”
    That made me laugh.
    Don’t make a promise you are not willing to keep.

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