Running (biking) up that hill

Wow, I haven’t posted in months.  Where did those months go?  Well, it’s a long story – I became very sick in the beginning of March with a couple of different issues going on.  It’s been such a nightmare and I basically haven’t had the energy to do anything until just recently.  However, I’ll save the whole sickness business for another post.  I don’t feel up to writing about that right now.

In better news, I recently bought a good used bike with the hope of using it to finally begin exercising again. It’s pretty comfortable, considering the pain and limitations I have with my wrists, ankles, and sometimes hips.  I could write an entire post on the headache it is just trying to find a bike that works and is the least painful for this decrepit body.  Admittedly, I really do envy people who can just purchase things like this (and shoes, for another matter) without having it turn into a huge ordeal.  Yeah, don’t get me going on shoes either.  I can’t find any tennis shoes that fit and don’t hurt my feet.  My former marathon coach is supposed to be helping me find some New Balance ones, but I think he’s forgotten about it.  I should bug him again, I suppose.

Back to the bike.  I recently moved into a small house in NE Minneapolis which is only 3.2 miles from where my sister and her husband live.  This is pretty cool, so today I decided to bike over there for the first time. Now, maybe this was a stupid idea since I’ve been lying on the couch for three months day after day (no exaggeration), but I’m happy to report that I survived. I did not fall off the bike, I didn’t pass out in the midst of a heart attack, I didn’t wuss out and go back home.  GOOD JOB ME.  Well, however I did have to walk the bike up part of a large hill, but that’s understandable I think.  Thankfully the ride back home was a breeze, zooming down that hill.  So now I’m a tired, sweaty mess, but it feels really good. Back before I had RA, I was a pretty active, athletic person.  I played softball, basketball, and tennis among other sports.  I miss all of those things, but if I can handle this biking thing, I’ll be happy and grateful for that.

Sorry if this isn’t a very witty or clever post, but hey – I just biked over six miles!  Give this couch potato a break. :)

Also, thank you so much to all of you who have left me comments over the last few months. I’m sorry I’ve been MIA.  I have read every one of them and will work on responding to your comments as soon as I can.

Happy biking,


Posted in 1

11 thoughts on “Running (biking) up that hill

  1. Hi Angela,
    Glad to see a new post from you and hear you are doing ok. I just recently discovered your blog. That’s great about the bike, and six miles is no small accomplishment. I bet it feels good to reclaim a little bit of your pre-ra life.

  2. Hi, just stumbled across your site. I know exactly what you mean about finding a bike that is kind to the joints. I was so sad when I’d see my hubby leave on a bikeride with my young son knowing I couldn’t go with them because the pressure and ensuing pain in my wrists was too much to bear. I recently found a bike, though, that has made it possible for me to ride for miles without too much pain: it’s a Raleigh Hybrid ( and it is just fantastic…but I still walk it up hills :-)
    And about shoes? I started a blog about comfortable,stylish shoes last August, My absolute favorite is the Merrell Siren walking shoe–kind to my bunion-ridden, achy feet.

  3. Wow u’ve inspired me! I’m gona get my bike out tmrw. Sorry should of started with A Hello. I’m new to RA and been sat here (in london) feeling sorry for myself. Trying to find out more infomation can be upsetting. But also so Inspiring Need to get a grip and get out there. From A to A! x

  4. just came across your blog…you might like mine, i have RA too. lately the blog is more about my pregnancy, but earlier posts are VERY RA related! i’m going to read more of yours…

  5. Angela, just found your blog today. Glad to hear you are back in action! I have RA and have the darnedest time finding shoes that fit and don’t hurt. I’ve found Saucony to be a good tennis shoe. They also seem to run a bit wider than your average sneaker and are fairly comfortable (until my feet swell up!). Anyway, let me know if you found something that works for you — I’m always looking for new options! Take care.

  6. I tried to start exercising by doing something very easy -tightening my stomach (abs?)
    The physio said act as though someone is pointing a knife at your bellybutton. Pull in and then up with the muscles. You can do it lying in bed.

    It is not something I would have kept on with but after 2 months I saw a rheumatologist as part of a trial so it was a brief examination but she did say I had strong abs. Amazing after so little work. So I kept it up and now do modified Pilates, lying down, every day for about 15 minutes. Any sustained feeling of success is good


  7. Hi. Just curious, since I’ve briefly read your blog are you single? I only ask because as a RA sufferer I find it difficult to be my painfilled self with anyone new. It’s like a little secret between me and my delicious looking salad plate that’s getting by barely touched because on that date I had so much pain in my wrists that I couldn’t lift my fork. Whilst my date thinks ooh. isn’t she dainty.

    There once was the day when I had a long time boyfriend who understood my flare-ups and would feed me ect.. but he is gone .

    How do you deal with the facade of being young and healthy in a new relationship?

  8. Hi, Erica

    Thanks for your comment. Yes, I am single. That’s really interesting you wrote about this because it’s been an issue that’s been on my mind a lot over the last few months. I’d actually like to write an article about dating with a disability for The Minnesota Women’s Press. Would you mind if I quote you in it? I try hard to live every day as a “normal” person, which might be a silly and too-high expectation of myself sometimes. I go into relationships with the same attitude, however after a recent doomed “relationship,” I stopped to think about how my RA could have affected its demise. Communication is so important in a relationship with two healthy people, nevermind if one person suffers from a disability. And it’s definitely important to be with someone who is kind and understanding toward you and your disease. It can be really hard to date while living with RA, I think. Thanks again for your comment!

  9. I can not even imagine getting on a bike. I have been walking but on the days I walk , in the evenings, I have a lot of pain in my ankles. Swimming seems to be my best bet for exercise I have no after affects from it. I am glad I found your blog and I hope your feeling better every day.

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