RA interviews

Just a quick post here – I was recently interviewed for two health websites, health.com and lifescript.com (a website dedicated to women’s health).  Both articles are about various aspects of having RA – coping, medications, daily struggles, advice.  The health.com article is already online, and the Lifescript article should be published sometime soon.  So yeah, this is pretty exciting.  When I started this little blog I never expected anybody to want to interview me about anything.  I’m always more than happy to share my “story” if it can help other people in my situation or those who are dealing with something similar.

Health.com article:

“Why It’s Hard to Stick with Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment”

4 thoughts on “RA interviews

  1. diagnosed with ra for one month. it hit me suddenly at christmas. just had first infusion yesterday and can now walk!!!!! have a smile on my face today which is first for a month
    reading your blog with interest

    1. Thank you for your comment. I’m so glad to hear that the infusion helped and you’re doing much better! Thanks for reading. :)

  2. It’s always crazy to read an article and feel like they are talking about you. When my doctor prescribed mtx after trying plaquenil for six months I managed to work myself up so much about the side effects that the whole experience was hellish. It’s just so hard to remind yourself that the pros may outweigh the cons when you feel like crap and you are still in pain. They ended up switching me to sulfazine with the understanding that we may try mtx again in the future.

    It was a great article and it’s always helps to hear someone’s story because you know that you are not alone.

    1. Thanks for the comment. Yes, I agree. I think being “over-educated” about some things can also not be the best thing. I know that if I read all the possible side effects of the drugs I’m taking and have been taking for so many years…I’d probably freak out and demand to go off them. But yes, I figure that the pros of keeping the RA under control outweigh the *possible* side effects. Having a body full of active inflammation is also dangerous. I was on sulfasalazine a long time ago but went off it because it didn’t seem to be doing much, really. I’ve been on methotrexate probably for 10 years now with no problems. My labs are also normal (methotrexate can cause liver damage). Good luck with everything, you’ll figure it out! Take care, Angela

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